Kids love to snack. Well, actually this isn’t exclusive to children, everyone loves a little mid-day nosh. So as a parent when your kids utter those words you’ll hear a thousand times over, “I’m hungry”, you can be prepared to provide them with a healthy snack that will suit their nutritional needs. Not only are these snack loaded with calcium, and vitamins, but many have plenty of fiber to hopefully fill them up enough until their next meal.


Low fat cheese

This is a great snack that doesn’t require much prep work. Look for low fat varieties that you can diced in cubes, or even low fat string cheese sticks. Then the kids can just grab one and go. Cheese is a perfect source of protein and calcium which is what they need for healthy, strong growth.

Whole grain cereal

Make sure that the cereal you select for a snack has less than 10 grams of sugar, at least 4 grams of fiber, and specifically says “whole grain” on the box. Pair it with low fat milk as a snack, or just dole out a serving for them to munch on while doing homework, or watching afternoon television.

Yogurt pops

You can make these with your kids as a high calcium and protein snack, especially if you use low fat greek yogurt. Add your own fruit to the mix to up the vitamin count. Berries are especially good with this pop because they are loaded with vitamin C and other nutrients.


Whole grain tortillas, chicken breast, and black beans make these a snack that will stick to your kids bones. Hearty amounts of fiber and protein will keep them satisfied until the next meal. This is a great afterschool snack when they are starving. Make them ahead of time, and just reheat them in the toaster oven for quick eating.


Chock full of protein, these little wonder snacks are loaded with folic acid, vitamin B12, and biotin to name a few. Scramble up a few with some veggies, or just boil them for a grab and go snack that is easy to eat.


Made of blended chickpeas, this dip is loaded with protein and fiber. You can spread on whole grain pita bread, or just dunk cut up vegetables like carrots, celery, and peppers into it for a healthy snack. It’s easy to make yourself with a food processor, or look for hummus varieties that have less than 4 grams of fat per serving. Keep in mind a serving is usually two tablespoons.

Fruit kabobs

Fruit is a lovely and fun snack that kids won’t usually refuse. Putting them on kabob sticks makes it even more fun. Use a variety of fruit that you have at home like apples, pears, strawberries, and even cut up melon.

Whole Grain Waffles

Frozen waffles are easy to heat up for a quick snack. You can top them with peanut butter, cottage cheese, or fruit spread. Get creative and make mini pizzas out of them as well for a fun treat.


Steel cut oats when cooked for at least twenty minutes become a creamy treat that kids will love. Top with berries, a pinch of brown sugar, and a dash of almond milk. The fiber and filling properties of this snack will hold them until dinnertime.

Veggie Chips

Make your own veggie chips with thinly sliced sweet potatoes, or kale. All you do is toss them with a bit of extra virgin olive oil, sea salt and bake at a low temp for 45 minutes. They will crisp up, tasting just as delicious as regular high fat potato chips.


Dr. Jerod – Health & Wellness Expert

Family Health and WellnessHealth and Wellness SpeakingHealth Awareness
Dr. Jerod Ochensdorf – 763-420-2226