health benefits

/Tag:health benefits

Love is Good For Your Health

By | February 14th, 2016|Our Thoughts|

Everyone remembers the first time they fell in love. No matter what stage you were at in life, you can attest to the "puppy love" feelings that made you feel on top of the world. According to science, those feelings aren't merely passing sensations - they're real chemical reactions within your brain that actually deliver wonderful [...]

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7 Surprising Health Benefits of Chocolate

By | February 5th, 2016|Physical Health|

February is National Chocolate Month, which is a great excuse to eat more of the sweet treat. Chocolate is candy though, and that is often blamed for obesity, tooth decay and other bad things because of the sugar and fat content. Still there are benefits to chocolate, especially dark chocolate. Chocolate comes from Cacao beans, [...]

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