healthy lifestyle

/Tag:healthy lifestyle

Is Your Culture Working?

By | April 27th, 2016|Our Thoughts|

The Secrets of the World's Longest-Living Cultures It's no secret that the world at large views Americans as McDonald's-loving, Solo cup-toting creatures of convenience. And this perception, though obviously not universally applicable, rings true in far too many cases. The United States spends frighteningly huge gobs of money toward health care, but those good-natured dollars [...]

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Create Your Best Year Ever

By | January 29th, 2016|Our Thoughts|

Every new year is a chance to make better choices and improve your health.  You start the year with a blank slate, like a white room with empty walls.  The health and lifestyle choices that you make for yourself add color to your room.  The more healthy choices you make, the more vibrant your room becomes. [...]

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Prevent 1 in 3 Cancers With These 5 Steps

By | August 13th, 2015|Our Thoughts|

It seems like common sense, but your parents were on to something when they told you to eat your vegetables and exercise regularly. According to recent studies, in many cases, lifestyle plays a huge role in whether or not you will end up with cancer. In a five year long study with over 7,000 scientific [...]

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