heart disease

/Tag:heart disease

The Healthy Scoop On Calcium

By | October 20th, 2015|Nutrition|

We were all told to drink milk as a kid.  But is it really as beneficial as we originally thought?  While calcium does have many great benefits such as healthy bones, teeth, and skin; if you exceed the recommended amount of calcium per day you are at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. What [...]

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You Are What You Eat

By | October 12th, 2015|Nutrition|

Most Americans these days are more concerned about the latest cell phone than focusing on something as simple as their health.  A shocking 23 million Americans have Type 2 diabetes.  What’s even worse is that 5.7 million of those with Type 2 diabetes don’t even know that they have it.  This is alarming because adults [...]

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